Film Study
ok, i was sufficiently unfulfilled by today's painting and i've been wanting to do some studies from Blood Diamond, which was photographed by the incomparable Eduardo Serra. whew, i feel better now.
D o w n t o w n
a quick one, accurate in color, light and mood but lacking in refinement, finesse or composition.

using these exercises
as a way to develop a more individual look.
from Memory
i painted this from memory after my ride into the Verdugo mountain range this evening.
and now for something completely different
just needed to do something for me...
Hot and Dry

barely any water in the canyon today, everything was really brown, so i went with it. style wise this one is a little different. instead of looking like natural media i concentrated on shape, negative shape and texture.
how'd it get to be JULY already! I'm spending my day off getting stuff ready for this years COMIC CON. i have 2 new books this year. Familiar Vices 2 and a collection of the Dick Harden Covers. i printed twice as many this year seeing as how i sold out by Friday last time. PLUS new shirts. i went all out and used American Apparel . they're more expensive but nicer. i will still sell them for the same price though. so, come by the booth (5463 near hall H) and pick up some cool stuff. i will also be selling the original sketches from this years sketchbook! hope to see you there.