Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
a Decade worth of Drawing, pt. 4

one last image. i was cleaning and organizing the other day and came across a ton 'o drawings that i don't have on my regular site, so i thought i'd share. this is just a smattering.
a Decade worth of Drawing, pt3

i was cleaning and organizing the other day and came across a ton 'o drawings that i don't have on my regular site, so i thought i'd share. this is just a smattering.
a Decade worth of Drawing, pt.2

i was cleaning and organizing the other day and came across a ton 'o drawings that i don't have on my regular site, so i thought i'd share. this is just a smattering.
a Decade worth of Drawing

i was cleaning and organizing the other day and came across a ton 'o drawings that i don't have on my regular site, so i thought i'd share. this is just a smattering.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
the Secret to ART
yep, here it is. after years of study i found the secret. it's profoundly simple once you have mileage under the belt.
- know your visual goal (what are you interested in? form, light?)
- take your time. let the brain guide the hand. don't aimlessly scribble. s l o w d o w deliberate.
- really be present. if your thinking about something other than what you're trying to depict you're not really there. give what you are doing your full attention. do each step thoroughly and completely before moving on.
- don't be too attached to the outcome. a tricky one because you always, always want to do your best but solving the task at hand will get you there. this isn't an excuse to do bad work by the way. like i said, tricky.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
a....Gold Medal !

the other day i was reading irene gallos wonderful blog and noticed that she had the Spectrum 15 winners posted. being anxious and hopeful at the same time i started scanning the winners for a possible mention.....and to my surprise (and delight) i had won a GOLD medal for this print! joy, rapture! a little validation goes along way! thank you jury! thank you Spectrum! thanks arnie and cathy