it's never about the details

i've been painting more recently which always makes me in awe of the mastery of Sargent. drawing, edges, tone...everything. i did a quick block in as i imagine he would (Harold Speed oil painting book) . the details are not what's important. it's the large planes and tones that need to be established first. once this is working and the edges are rich then the details can be added but not till the shapes and tones are w o r k i n g. this is reminder for myself as much as anyone.
Always teaching..thank you. :)
Thanks Robh for this reminder! I also wanted to let you know that I'm appreciative of your teaching, as you always stressed the importance of this when I took your landscape class. Oh, and Sargent is a complete badass. =]
With sculptures I tend to prefer to see some roughness. Polishes clay is nice, but the sketchy ones are always so powerful. Same here.
Sargent really did have all the answers. This is a really nice breakdown of what he must have been seeing as he painted. I just finished my own Sargent study of Lady Agnew...great to see somebody like you also doing studies from Sargent.
I checked out your website and I just wanted to say awesome stuff. Congrats on the game too. You guys should be very proud!
robh, you nailed it! can't believe that you still follow those old n'dead guys - just kidding!
great job!
Word! Great reminder. Thanks for sharing!
Yes! Big Shapes First! Great reminder.
A good reminder to me too!
Robh, A reminder to me too! Good work!
A reminder to me too! nice work ! Robh.
A reminder to me too! nice work rob!
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